hey all you skateboarding punks lol well we are still trying to get as much footy as possible for the video, but some of the team members have been injured soo its gonna be a little delay on the dvd coming out, but not by much. Im trying to keep you guys as informed as i can, but you homies know now how it is. Well pretty much we have been filmin and ridin around in Knoxville, Maryville, Loudon, and Farragut, bringing home a little something each time. here are some pics of what you will be begging to see in the dvd. Well gentlemen, we have cam this far and were not giving up, so lets go have a GoodTime and get footy as well! p.s. We'll Skate for Change will be out as soon as possible, just hold tight, it wont be long from now.
Corey Smith Front Tail. Photo Cred To Javi Perez

Ryan Clifton- huge ollie. Photo creds to Chris Key

Jason Mallette- Pole jame (Friends Section Footy). Photo Creds to Javi Perez

Reid Evans - Ollie Getto Gap. Photo Creds To Javi Perez

Brandon Amburn - ollie over rail. Photo Creds to Joey Godsey

Brandon Amburn- Frist try attempt. Photo Creds To Joey Godsey

Brandon Second Try Attempt Photo Creds To Joey Godsey

Me and Ya dude Domanic- Be expecting to see him in the vid. Photo Creds to Joe Cakmas

Thats just a few pics for you homies to see for now comment and tell me what you think!. "dont leave gay comments cause ill just delete them"